Selected Publication
*Corresponding Author, +Equal Contribution

Stress-induced vagal activity influences anxiety-relevant prefrontal and amygdala neuronal oscillations in male mice.
Nature Communications, 15: 183, (2024)
The intensity of brain wave patterns observed in the prefrontal cortex and amygdala of the brain correlates with vagus nerve activity. In mice exhibiting depression-like states under stress, such correlation was not observed. However, it was confirmed that these pathophysiological changes could be reversed through electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve. This suggests that the coordination between the vagus nerve and the brain is crucial for understanding stress and mental states, potentially leading to the development of more accurate treatment methods for psychiatric disorders.

Awake hippocampal synchronous events are incorporated into offline neuronal reactivation.
Cell Reports, 42: 112871, (2023)
経験中に生じる海馬の神経同期活動(Awake ripple)は、その後、経験した情報に関連した神経活動を再生するために必要であることを示した。このような経験後の活動パターンは、海馬における記憶の固定化のプロセスに重要な役割を担うと考えられる。
Hippocampal neural synchronization activity (awake ripples) occurring during an experience is necessary for the subsequent replay of neural activity related to the experienced information. Such post-experience activity patterns are thought to play a crucial role in the process of memory consolidation in the hippocampus.

T. Sasaki*
Hippocampal sharp wave ripples underlie stress susceptibility in male mice.
Nature Communications, 14: 2105, (2023).
Generating a high frequency of hippocampal synchronous activity (ripples) for memory consolidation after experiencing psychological stress tends to lead to subsequent depression-like psychiatric symptoms. Furthermore, we demonstrated that reducing the frequency of these ripples through post-stress activities, such as exercise, can suppress the onset of psychiatric symptoms. This provides an important opportunity to consider stress-responsive psychiatric symptoms from the perspectives of memory capacity and personality traits.

Prefrontal-amygdalar oscillations related to social behavior in mice.
eLife, 11: e7842, (2022).
Local field potential signals in specific frequency bands of the prefrontal cortex and amygdala significantly increase or decrease when exhibiting sociability. These changes were barely observed in states of depression due to chronic stress or in conditions with reduced sociability similar to autism spectrum disorder. Conversely, when these activities were restored to normal, social behavior recovered. From these findings, we demonstrated that such brain activity patterns function as a fundamental mechanism for social behavior.

Prefrontal synaptic activation during hippocampal memory reactivation.
Cell Reports, 34(12):108885, (2021).
海馬場所細胞の集団活動パターンと前頭前皮質のシナプス入力パターンを同時に比較し(世界初のin vivoマルチユニット記録とパッチクランプ記録の融合)、特定の海馬の空間記憶情報の再活性化に応じて、前頭前皮質のシナプス入力が強まることを見出した。生きた脳において、機能的なシナプス伝達の実態を捉えた初めての研究である。
We simultaneously compared the collective activity patterns of hippocampal place cells with synaptic input patterns in the prefrontal cortex (the world's first fusion of in vivo multi-unit recording and patch-clamp recording). We discovered that synaptic inputs to the prefrontal cortex strengthen in response to the reactivation of specific spatial memory information in the hippocampus. This is the first study to capture the reality of functional synaptic transmission in the living brain.

Minute-encoding neurons in hippocampal-striatal circuits.
Current Biology, 31(7):1438-1449, (2021).
We established a new behavioral task requiring minute-scale time measurement and demonstrated that neurons in the hippocampus and striatum can encode time information on a minute scale. This study is novel in that it describes neural activity over longer time periods than the conventional second-scale measurements. This is considered an important neural mechanism for how the brain processes temporal information.

Prioritized experience replays on a hippocampal predictive map for learning.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(1): e2011266118, (2021).
We demonstrated that hippocampal neurons prioritize and replay learned spatial information and information necessary for efficient future behavior. This function is considered important not only for neuroscience research but also as a computational algorithm for advancing efficient machine learning.

The integration of goal-directed signals onto spatial maps of hippocampal place cells.
Cell Reports, 27: 1516-1527, (2019).
Using a novel behavioral task, we demonstrated that the firing of hippocampal place cells increases during specific goal-oriented behaviors. Furthermore, we showed that cholinergic signaling is involved in this goal-oriented information input

Dentate network activity is necessary for spatial working memory by supporting CA3 sharp-wave ripple generation and prospective firing of CA3 neurons.
Nature Neuroscience, 21: 258-269, (2018).
We demonstrated that the hippocampus-dentate gyrus region is necessary for working memory. Furthermore, we showed that hippocampal neurons dynamically change their activity patterns in correspondence with the spatial working memory that needs to be retained.

Spatial and memory circuits in the medial entorhinal cortex.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 32: 16-23, (2015).
2015年までに解明された、海馬の場所細胞(place cell)と嗅内皮質の格子細胞(grid cell)の知見についての総説。これらの細胞の発見は2014年のノーベル賞の対象になった。 一般に、海馬の場所細胞は、様々な格子細胞からの入力の統合によって形成されると考えられてきたが、このようなシンプルなモデルだけでは説明できない知見が得られつつある。

Optogenetic countering of glial acidosis supressees glial glutamate release and ischemic brain damage.
Neuron, 81, 314-320, (2014).
We applied the light-sensitive molecules ChR2 and Arch to astrocytes as tools for manipulating intracellular pH. Activation of ChR2, which acidifies astrocytes, triggers the release of glutamate. This glutamate release is thought to mimic neuronal death during ischemia. Conversely, we demonstrated that activating Arch, which inhibits astrocyte acidification during ischemia, can suppress neuronal death.

Targeted axon-attached recording with fluorescent patch-clamp pipettes in brain slices.
Nature Protocols, 7: 1228-1234, (2012).
蛍光ガラス電極を用いた軸索パッチクランプ記録法について、その詳細な実験プロトコールを述べた論文。また同様の技術を用いて、軸索内を伝播する活動電位を解析したところ、細胞体において増幅した活動電位は、軸索の空間的配置に依存して元の形に減衰し、次の細胞へのシナ プス出力に影響を及ぼすことを見出した。
This paper describes a detailed experimental protocol for axonal patch-clamp recording using fluorescent glass electrodes. Additionally, using the same technique to analyze action potentials propagating within the axon, we found that action potentials amplified in the cell body decay back to their original form depending on the spatial arrangement of the axon, which affects synaptic output to the next cell.

Application of an optogenetic byway for perturbing neuronal activity via glial photostimulation.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109: 20720-20725, (2012).
遺伝子ノックイン技術を用いて、テトラサイクリン制御性の遺伝子発現システムを改良し、ChR2 をアストロサイトに選択的に発現した遺伝子改変マウスを作製した。これらの小脳アストロサイトを光刺激すると、グルタミン酸の放出、小脳プルキンエ細胞の AMPA受容体を介して、神経活動が誘発されることを示した。また平行線維-プルキンエ細胞間のシナプスにおいて、長期可塑性が誘発され、個体行動の解析から、小脳依存性の運動学習を制御するのに十分であることが示された。
Using gene knock-in technology, we improved a tetracycline-controlled gene expression system and created genetically modified mice that selectively express ChR2 in astrocytes. We demonstrated that light stimulation of these cerebellar astrocytes induces neural activity through glutamate release and AMPA receptors in cerebellar Purkinje cells. Furthermore, long-term plasticity was induced at the parallel fiber-Purkinje cell synapses. Behavioral analysis of the animals showed that this was sufficient to control cerebellum-dependent motor learning.

Action potential modulation during axonal conduction.
Science, 331: 599-601, (2011).
活動電位の発生および伝播は、イオンチャネルの活性化に依存し、全か無かの法則のような単純な現象では記述できない。つまり軸索演算は、教科書的な理解に反して、アナログ 的な振る舞いを示し、これはニューロンの出力特性として重要である。しかし、大脳皮質の軸索は微細(直径 1 マイクロm 以下)であるため、電気活動の計測は極めて困難とされる。この問題解決を試み、蛍光タンパク質をコーティングした蛍光パッチクランプ電極を用いて、軸索か ら効率的にパッチクランプ記録を実現する新手法を開発した。 この技術とグリア細胞に関する生理学的知識を融合し、軸索を伝導する活動電位がアストロサイトにより調節されることを発見した。1つの軸索が膨大数のシナプス出力を担っていることを考えると、この現象は、出力先の回路演算を決定しうる影響をもつ可 能性がある。 以上の知見は、計算素子としてのグリア細胞の重要性を強調し、また脳回路演算の時空間的な多様性と安定性を考察する1つの手掛かりになると推察される。
The generation and propagation of action potentials depend on the activation of ion channels and cannot be described by simple phenomena like the all-or-none law. Contrary to textbook understanding, axonal computation exhibits analog-like behavior, which is crucial for neuronal output characteristics. However, measuring electrical activity in cerebral cortical axons is extremely challenging due to their minute size (diameter less than 1 μm). To address this issue, we developed a new method for efficient axonal patch-clamp recording using fluorescent patch-clamp electrodes coated with fluorescent proteins. By combining this technology with physiological knowledge of glial cells, we discovered that action potentials propagating along axons are modulated by astrocytes. Considering that a single axon is responsible for a vast number of synaptic outputs, this phenomenon could potentially influence the circuit computations at the output destinations. These findings emphasize the importance of glial cells as computational elements and provide a clue for considering the spatiotemporal diversity and stability of brain circuit computations.